Dr. Yilin Sun — 2022 JALT Plenary speaker October 29, 2022 1:30 – 2:30 Shizuoka Prefecture Education Center (静岡県教育会館)

Abstract: Come and join this in-person, interactive workshop with the facilitator to explore ways to utilize multiliteracies to create, develop and review counter-story telling as a social justice pedagogy that you can use with your students.
The facilitator will share “asset-based” Culturally Responsive Teaching activities that she and her colleagues have designed to engage participants in hands-on activities to examine the social context of our students’ personal and educational stories as well as our own. Powerful stories, arts and poetic modes of expressions from students from systematically underserved, under-represented backgrounds will be shared.
BIO: Dr. Yilin Sun, is a tenured (emeritus) professor who directed Faculty Development Programs at Seattle Colleges (USA) before her retirement. She is a former president of TESOL International Association (2014-15) and the founding president of MAAL (Macau Assn. for Applied Linguistics). Dr. Sun has extensive experience in teacher education, leadership, and professional development. She has authored and coauthored books, book chapters, and journal articles. She is also serving as Chief Editor of the series Foreign Language Teacher Education and Development: Selected Works of Renowned TESOL Experts published by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. In 2021, The English Language Specialist Program of U.S. Department of State recognized Dr. Sun as one of thirty specialists who have made a lasting impact on the TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) field since 1991. Over the years, Dr Sun has given numerous keynote/plenary and featured presentations at international professional conferences.