Shizuoka and Hamamatsu Chapters have an exciting event coming this June. The first
Student Voices event will feature students speaking
about their language learning experiences. Make sure you're free for the day on June 12th!
The event will feature 10 language students from a variety of backgrounds speaking about what worked (and didn't work) for them as they made the journey toward mastering a second language. If you're a language student, a language teacher, a parent of language students, or just someone interested in the other side of second/foreign language education, this is the event for you!
Click the poster on the left for a printable version!
Shizuoka JALT Chapter is a friendly, medium-sized chapter that holds meetings every second month in Shizuoka city. Our members teach in a variety of settings - elementary schools, junior / senior high schools, universities and conversation schools. At each meeting, we try to invite dynamic presenters who will not just lecture but will also engage the audience by giving practical, interactive presentations and workshops. We hope that each meeting attendee will not only learn something but also leave with specific activities or techniques that can be used with their classes.
Although we are a professional association, it doesn't mean that we don't enjoy ourselves. After our meetings, we usually go out for a bite to eat and enjoy lively conversations in a casual setting.
Whether you are a new or experienced teacher, there is something for you at Shizuoka JALT!
私達静岡支部は中規模な支部で、気さくな人々の集まりです。会合は、静岡市内で隔月に行われます。メンバーは、 小中高校や大学、英会話学校など様々な所で教えています。毎回の会合では、はつらつとして活動的な発表者をお招きして、 聴衆が講義を聞くだけでなく、実践的で意見交換のあるプレゼンテーションやワークショップによって参加できるようになっています。 毎回参加者達が、何かを学ぶだけでなく、それぞれの教室で使える具体的なアクティビティーやテクニックを持って帰れるようにと願っています。
私達は専門的な事を勉強する団体ですが、勉強だけでなくみんなで楽しい時を過ごしています。 会合の後は、たいてい食事などをしながら気軽におしゃべりを楽しんでいます。