Adam Jenkins Saturday, May 28 Escaping the Matrix: Using CALL and e-Learning Responsibly

posted Jun 10, 2016, 7:22 PM by Hamamatsu JALT   [ updated Jun 10, 2016, 7:24 PM ]
Adam Jenkins from Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology introduced a plethora of ways that Moodle technology, (including the Moodle online Reader created by Tom Robb) can facilitate learning. He made a point of referring to this as learning and not e-learning, suggesting that for many of our students there is little distinction between e-learning and learning. It is a point well taken since resistance to e-learning comes from boards of education, teachers and university instructors, not students. He showed how to use numerous Moodle features including online tests, online instant messaging, multimedia applications, and data analysis. He mentioned that it is possible to upload a lot of files as homework in order to use the classroom for different learning tasks.

The presentation took an unexpected turn when there was passionate discussion among those who value reading as something much more than a measure of ER language achievement. Some participants challenged the value and necessity of Moodle Reader and its testing format.