January 11th, 2009 - Extensive Reading & Improving TOEIC Scores

posted Jan 15, 2012, 10:13 PM by Hamamatsu JALT   [ updated May 23, 2012, 6:45 AM ]

Extensive Reading & Improving TOEIC Scores

Jonathan Robinson

Jonathan Robinson, a representative of Oxford University Press, first introduced us to his publishing company's book that is meant to prepare students for the TOEIC test. He showed us figures on the breakdown of people who take the TOEIC tests around the world, and it is clear that Japanese people consider the test particularly important. The book has many helpful tips on how to use time efficiently when taking the test. After a break, Jon told us about Oxford's extensive reading program. He showed us samples of how classics, such as "Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain, have been adapted by skilled authors to the levels of different students of English as a foreign language. The reading programs are also graded, which is helpful to teachers and students when trying to decide what kinds of books are appropriate for different levels. It was a engaging afternoon, and the participants went away with new ideas as well as book samples which they will try in each of their own teaching and learning situations.

Reported by Dan Frost

Jan, 2009
